We are Norfolk

A unique proposal in investment and financial advice

Imagen de la sección ¿Por qué invertir en Norfolk?

Why Norfolk Financial Group?

We have more than 10 years of experience in investment banking, financial and real estate advisory, real estate fund manager and specialized in the implementation of real estate supervision models in Panama, Colombia and Spain.


Investment banking

We execute financial solutions with a high strategic impact for the organization and its environment, through services such as analysis and strategic planning, obtaining financing and/or capital, mergers and acquisitions, corporate valuations, among others.


Structuring real estate

At Norfolk Financial Group we are committed to accompanying our clients who wish to invest or carry out real estate development projects in order to minimize the risks of the sector, maximizing the possibilities of obtaining attractive returns.

Imagen de la sección Estructuración inmobiliaria
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Group 13882

Investment fund

Multi-class real estate fund with investment strategies focused on development projects with high demand and purchase of stabilized assets for rent to high-quality tenants.

Entity regulated by the Superintendence of the Stock Market, registered by SMV resolution No. 340-16 of June 2, 2016.

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Group 13882

Investment fund

Real estate fund dedicated to the acquisition, stabilization and sale of repossessed bank assets.

Entity regulated by the Superintendency of the Stock Market, registered by SMV resolution No. 112-20 of March 16, 2020.

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Administrator Of funds

Investment Fund Management Company formed by an alliance between Norfolk Capital Advisors and MMG Bank.

Entity regulated by the Superintendency of the Stock Market, registered by SMV resolution No. 220-19 of June 10, 2019.

Banking relations

We allied with MMG Bank as a valuable strategy to improve and expand the offer of products and services, as well as to improve efficiency, competitiveness and create realities that generate value for all.

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Featured projects


We work with high-quality projects, where we offer our clients the security of having the experience and regional scope, to cover their needs and requirements, always applying our philosophy of analyzing, selecting, structuring, monitoring and actively accompanying investments.

Featured projects


We work with high-quality projects, where we offer our clients the security of having the experience and regional scope, to cover their needs and requirements, always applying our philosophy of analyzing, selecting, structuring, monitoring and actively accompanying investments.

Fondos inmobiliarios: 5 razones para ser la alternativa de inversión hoy

Expertos del sector señalan que la inversión en activos inmobiliarios, es la solución ideal para aquellas personas que buscan incrementar sus utilidades, puesto a que es una de las mejores maneras de multiplicar las ganancias a un menor riesgo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nibh lectus, gravida id tortor sed, ultricies porttitor ligula. ec eget risus id eros luctus sodales.


Panamá destino para los capitales y nuevas inversiones

Analistas financieros y del mercado de capitales, como Alberto Bernal, de XP Investments sostienen que Panamá es uno de los mercados más estables para que el capital privado invierta.


Especialistas recomiendan invertir en fondos inmobiliarios en Panamá

Invertir en el sector inmobiliario, si se siguen los pasos adecuados, puede resultar muy rentable y satisfactorio, siempre que se seleccionen buenos activos para poder acarrear un flujo de caja predecible, beneficios fiscales y excelentes rendimiento.



Las inversiones exitosas dependen de una buena estructuración y ejecución, las herramientas modernas y las ventajas de la colectividad te acercan a estas oportunidades.

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